(Defined in: jpgraph.php : 5626) Class usage and Overview
Abstract base class for all plots. This abstract base class defines the signature that all plots must adhere to. It also provides the default trivial implementation for these framework methods.
Public properties:
Name | Type | Description |
value | DisplayValue | Control the data value displayed at each data point |
See also related classes:
DisplayValue, LinePlot, ErrorPlot and ScatterPlot
Class Methods
function HideLegend($f)
Hide legend for this plot
Argument | Default | Description |
| TRUE=Hide legend |
Hide legend for this plot even if it was specified (with SetLegend() )
$bar = new GanttBar(...);
function SetCenter($aCenter)
Center the data pointr between tick labels
Argument | Default | Description |
| True=Center each data point |
Used for text scales. Centers the data values between the ticvk marks instead if falling exactly on them.
function SetColor($aColor)
Specify color for plot.
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Color |
Specify color for plot. Each plot type is free to interpret it to its own choosing.
function SetCSIMTargets($aTargets,$aAlts)
Set URL targets for CSIM
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Array of URL targets |
| Alt texts for each CSIM point |
Set the URL links for the CSIM if the plot type support this.
$url1 = "https://someotherurl.html"
$url2 = ..
$targetarray = array($url1, $url2, $url3, $url4);
function SetLegend($aLegend,$aCSIM,$aCSIMAlt)
Set legend string for this plot
Argument | Default | Description |
| | Legend string |
| URL for image map |
| Alt text for image map |
Set legend string for this plot. If the CSIM string is epscified then the legend will become an image map. To use image maps you need to use the StrokeCSIM() instead of the normal Stroke()
See also
$lineplot->SetLegend('Year 2002');
function SetLineWeight($aWeight)
Specify line weight for plot
Argument | Default | Description |
| Line weight in pixels |
Specify line weight for plot